Tax Authority State & Local Tax Revenue Report

As the increased federal funding from the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act runs out, states that responded to healthy coffers by reducing income tax rates may find themselves struggling to raise revenue sufficient to support spending. Meanwhile, states that used the federal funds to build up their rainy-day accounts may have a fiscal cushion for any difficult times ahead.

Whether the coffers are low or state treasuries are feeling flush, all are carefully monitoring their inflow of tax revenue. Here, Law360 Tax Authority provides up-to-date coverage on states' tax revenue.

Click any state to see more infomation

--Graphics by Ben Jay.


Ky. Gov. Vetoes Bill Mandating End To Agency Deference

By Michael Nunes

Kentucky's governor vetoed legislation that would have prevented courts from deferring to a state agency's interpretation of a statute or regulation, including the state Department of Revenue, saying the bill violates the constitutional principle of separation of powers.

ND General Revenue Collection Up $72M From Estimates

By Michael Nunes

North Dakota's general revenue collection from July 2023 through February 2025 beat forecasts by $72 million, according to the state Legislative Council.

Ariz. General Fund Revenue Tops Forecast By $61M

By Michael Nunes

Arizona's general fund revenue from July through February outpaced a budget forecast by roughly $61 million, according to a report by the state's Joint Legislative Budget Committee.

Va. Revenue Collection Through Feb. Climbs $1.2B

By Michael Nunes

Virginia's total general revenue from July through February outpaced collections made during the same period last year by $1.2 billion, according to a report released by the state's secretary of finance.

Utah Revenue Collection Through Feb. Rises $352M

By Michael Nunes

Utah's general revenue collection from July through February outpaced collections made during the same period last fiscal year by $352 million, according to the state Tax Commission.

Wis. Revenues Through Feb. Up $698M

By Michael Nunes

Wisconsin's general revenue collections from July through February outpaced collections made during the same period last year by $698 million, according to the state Department of Revenue.

Miss. Revenue Collection Through February Up $4M

By Michael Nunes

Mississippi's general fund revenue from July through February outpaced collections made during the same period last year by $4 million, according to a report by the state Department of Revenue.

NC Tax Revenue Collection Through February Up $707M

By Michael Nunes

North Carolina's total revenue collection from July through February exceeded last year's collection during the same time period by $707 million, according to a report by the Office of the State Controller.

Tenn. Revenues Through February Up $23M From Estimates

By Michael Nunes

Tennessee's total revenue collection from July through February beat budget estimates by $23 million, according to a report from the state Department of Finance and Administration.

Wash. Revenues Through March 10 Beat Forecasts By $56M

By Michael Nunes

Washington state's total general revenue from Nov. 11 through March 10 beat estimates by $56 million, according to a report by the state Economic and Revenue Forecast Council.

NY Tax Collections Through Feb. Up $8B From Last Year

By Michael Nunes

New York's tax collection from April through February outpaced last year's total by $8 billion, according to a report by the state Department of Taxation and Finance.

Pa. Net Revenues Down $104M From Forecast

By Michael Nunes

Pennsylvania's general fund revenue from July through February underperformed forecasts by $104 million, according to a report by the state Department of Revenue released Monday.

NJ Tax Collection Through Feb. Increases By $1 Billion

By Michael Nunes

New Jersey's major revenues from July through February jumped by $1 billion over last year, according to a report by the state Department of the Treasury.

Ill. Revenues Beat Budget Forecasts By $20M

By Michael Nunes

Illinois' total revenues from July through February topped forecasts by $20 million, according to the Governor's Office of Management and Budget.

Neb. Tax Receipts Through Feb. Nearly Match Forecast

By Sanjay Talwani

Nebraska's net tax receipts from July through February came close to projections, according to a report released by the state Department of Revenue on Friday.

Okla. Total General Revenues Up $52M From Estimate

By Michael Nunes

Oklahoma general revenue collection from July through February outpaced estimates by $52 million, according to a report by the state Office of Management and Enterprise Service released Friday.

Kentucky General Revenues Up $166M Through Feb.

By Michael Nunes

Kentucky's general revenue collection from July through February outpaced the same period in the previous year by $166 million, according to a report by the Office of State Budget Director.

Ohio General Revenues Through Feb. Beat Estimate By $227M

By Michael Nunes

Ohio's general revenue from July through February surpassed forecasts by $227 million, according to a report by the state Office of Budget Management.

Minn. General Revenues In Feb. $116M Ahead Of Forecasts

By Michael Nunes

Minnesota's general revenue collection in February exceeded budget forecasts by $116 million, according to a report by the state Department of Management and Budget.

Indiana Tax Collection Through Feb. Beats Estimate By $151M

By Michael Nunes

Indiana's general revenue collection from July through February outpaced forecasts by $151 million, according to a report from the State Budget Agency.