Looking back on two decades of working for human rights | Noa Mendelsohn Aviv

By Noa Mendelsohn Aviv ( September 20, 2022, 2:14 PM EDT) -- Twenty years ago today, when I joined the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, I knew I had come to the right place. Alan Borovoy, then executive director and general counsel, and deeply committed to fundamental rights, not only tolerated differences of opinion, he encouraged them. He had just published a book called When Freedoms Collide and recognized the many ways in which rights can come into conflict with other rights or other fundamental values. To resolve such conundrums, we must consider various perspectives but in particular listen to marginalized communities and those who are affected. We must engage in research in order to move beyond fear and stereotype towards evidence and truth. And we must embrace discussion and different views in order to find the right nuances in balancing and reconciling rights....