Personal injury firms team up to raise funds for health-care workers

By John Chunn

Law360 Canada (December 17, 2020, 1:14 PM EST) -- In response to the growing global pandemic, Ontario-based law firm PIA Law announced that it has partnered with the Frontline Fund to raise $100,000 for Canada’s health-care workers.

According to a press release, the Frontline Fund is a Canadian charity consisting of more than 165 Canadian hospital foundations, all of which require financial assistance due to the growing stresses brought on by COVID-19. Money raised in partnership with PIA Law will go towards helping Canadian hospitals and health-care workers on the front lines of the pandemic. This money will help to provide the supplies, support and research that is necessary for supporting the frontline workers and fighting the COVID-19 virus.

Comprising Canadian personal injury law firms, McLeish Orlando, Oatley Vigmond and Thomson, Rogers, PIA Law seeks to express gratitude for the countless Canadian health-care workers who have helped care for their clients over the years. The law firm is working to raise a total of $100,000, which will help fund supplies, support and research. The money will be raised through a matching program with all donations made before Dec. 22 being matched up to a collective maximum of $50,000, making a total of $100,000.

The donations to the Frontline Fund will be used to provide frontline health-care workers with necessary supplies such as PPE, diagnostic equipment and digital infrastructure for virtual patient care. The money will also go towards support systems, including mental health support, accommodation for those self-isolating and much-needed appreciation initiatives. The rest of the funding will be put towards research, relating to topics such as clinical drug trials and vaccine development.

PIA Law says it is halfway to its total goal and in need of support. The firm is challenging peers and the general public to donate before Dec. 22 and help support those who face the virus every day. All funds are subject to stay in the province in which they are donated. For more information, click here.