Law360 Canada ( December 3, 2020, 6:22 AM EST) -- Application by the Crown for a review of an order that granted the respondent bail pending trial. The respondent was charged with two counts of first-degree murder, attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Video showed a masked gunman, alleged to be one of the respondent’s co-accused, shoot the first victim and SS near their motor vehicle. A separate video showed a masked gunman shoot into the motor vehicle of the second victim. The victims were associated with organized crime families. The Crown theory was that the respondent conspired with the co-accused to murder the two victims, was involved in procuring GPS tracking devices and conducting surveillance on the victims and provided the vehicles used in the commission of the offences. The Crown did not allege the respondent was present at the shootings. Both co-accused fled to Mexico. The respondent was initially denied bail on primary and secondary grounds. The second bail judge found the strength of the Crown’s case was materially weakened since the first bail hearing and COVID-19 represented a material change in circumstances. He concluded a new hearing was warranted. The respondent was 28 years old at the time of the second bail hearing with no pre-existing health conditions....