Criminal records: Punishment beyond the crime | Jeffrey Hartman and Thomas Haughian

By Jeffrey Hartman and Thomas Haughian ( October 6, 2020, 11:12 AM EDT) -- As the Criminal Records Act turns 50 this year, is it time to reconsider criminal records in Canada? The use of criminal record checks has been increasing at approximately seven per cent per year. Despite the lack of a correlation between criminal convictions and reoffending, many Canadians believe criminal record checks are a valid screening tool for employment, housing and other opportunities. Today, one in 10 Canadians has a criminal record. That is 3. 8 million Canadians impaired by systemic barriers and stigmatized by their criminal record, even after they pay their debt to society. It is in our best interest that individuals convicted of crimes are rehabilitated to become contributing members of the community. . . .
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