Alberta Court of Appeal launches public portal of digital management system

By Ian Burns

Law360 Canada (September 2, 2020, 11:59 AM EDT) -- The Alberta Court of Appeal has launched the public portal of its digital Court of Appeal Management System (CAMS).

According to the court’s announcement, in addition to filing materials electronically, counsel and self-represented litigants will have online access to all of their case materials and can retrieve other information about their appeals, including the full text of all filed documents, deadlines, hearing dates, outcomes and more.

Chief Justice Catherine Fraser said the court has made digitizing its records a priority.

Click here for a video message from Chief Justice Fraser introducing the portal

“[CAMS] will enhance the ability of litigants and their counsel to deal with matters before the court,” she said. “The better that counsel and litigants are at their role, the better we will be at ours. Our goal is to improve the delivery of justice to Canadians. Justice is about people, their lives, welfare, happiness and freedom.”

On the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the court quickly adopted a new remote hearing format. The court said the remote format will continue until at least Nov. 1.

In addition, the Court of Queen’s Bench has made a number of changes to the way it conducts case management. More information can be found here.