Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench provides guidance on consent orders

By Ian Burns

Law360 Canada (March 31, 2020, 11:44 AM EDT) -- The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench has announced, effective immediately, that counsel may submit signed master and justice consent orders for processing through e-mail.

In its release, the court asks that all counsel have signed the consent order and e-mailed the document in an unlocked PDF format to the appropriate court location.

Additionally the subject line of each e-mail must conform with the following naming convention:
  • [AREA OF COURT] CONSENT ORDER (IN CAPS) – File Number – Location
Example: CIVIL CONSENT ORDER – 2013-123445 - Edmonton

The document will be reviewed by the clerks’ office, forwarded to the master or justice for electronic signing and e-mailed back from the clerks’ office.

More information can be found here.