B.C. courts amend procedures for in-court appearances, affidavits

By Ian Burns

Law360 Canada (March 30, 2020, 12:10 PM EDT) -- In order to protect the health and safety of court users, court staff and others and to help limit the spread of COVID-19, the B.C. Supreme Court has announced the following new procedures for proceedings where counsel, parties, media and the public are attending in person:
  • Do not enter the courtroom if you have any flu-like symptoms or if you have been in contact with someone who has or is suspected of having COVID-19. Instead, leave the courthouse immediately and make arrangements to reschedule the hearing of your matter.
  • For courtrooms where only one matter is being heard, maintain an appropriate distance (two metres) from other people at all times in the courtroom, in the courthouse and elsewhere. Wash or sanitize your hands frequently. These practices also apply to members of the public or the media who are observing court proceedings.
  • For courtrooms where more than one matter is scheduled to be heard, counsel or parties entering the courtroom to check in with the court clerk should enter the courtroom one person at a time. Others should wait outside the courtroom with an appropriate distance (two metres) between people.
  • When checking in for your matter, provide the court clerk with a cell phone number at which you can be reached that day. Then leave the courtroom, and wait in a suitable place, at least two metres away from other people.
  • When your case is about to be called, the court clerk will contact you at the cell phone number you have given.
  • Maintain an appropriate distance (two metres) from other people at all times in the courtroom, in the courthouse and elsewhere. Wash or sanitize your hands frequently.

These practices also apply to members of the public or the media who are observing court proceedings.

The B.C. courts also updated their procedures regarding affidavits. See information from the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court and provincial court.