Welcome to The Lawyer’s Daily

By John Carson

Law360 Canada (March 6, 2017, 7:37 AM EST) -- Monday, March 6 saw the launch of a brand new digital news product in the Canadian market – The Lawyer’s Daily.

The Lawyer's Daily

From the same team that brought you The Lawyers Weekly since 1983, Canada’s most respected weekly newspaper for legal news and analysis, The Lawyer’s Daily is delivering the same strong, in-depth content on a more frequent basis.

Our dedicated team of reporters, editors, analysts and columnists are contributing fresh, daily content on breaking news and other relevant issues to the Canadian legal community.

The Honourable Thomas Cromwell is a regular columnist and has already given his thoughts on how access to justice is the biggest challenge facing our legal system and why we should give the Bonkalo report a chance.

Respected legal journalist Cristin Schmitz provides exclusive news and interviews from the Supreme Court of Canada and Parliament Hill.

Michael Spratt has written about the institutional bias favouring Crown attorneys preventing a level playing field; Paul Cavalluzzo thinks the rule of law must trump national security; Anthony Doob and Rosemary Gartner comment that the numbers on mandatory minimum sentences and crime don’t add up and it’s time to revisit Harper government’s restrictions on pardons; and John-Paul Boyd asks if it’s time to get the feds out of the corollary relief business?

Tie these in with our analysts examining everything from workplace investigations to the sex worker law to litigation principles in Charter cases ... and these are just some of the topics we’ve covered since the March 6 launch.

This legal news is available on the website, on your mobile device and through e-newsletters specific to the areas of practice you are interested in. We launched with seven wide-ranging and diverse areas of practice with more to be introduced later this year and early 2018.

No longer bound to word counts and page limits means The Lawyer’s Daily can cover a larger variety of stories and dig deeper into the ones that need an extra few hundred words or an informative graphic.

So join us and stay ahead of your competition. There’s much more to come..

The Lawyer’s Daily team